The Temporary Custody Hearing just ended. DCF has been awarded Temporary Custody. What do you do now? Identifying the potential issues in the case is a critical step for developing a comprehensive case plan. Join us for this zoom training designed to assist you in ferreting out the key issues in your cases. We start with a new, completely original CAFL hypothetical. And it is packed with issues. Your homework is to read the hypothetical and watch a short video. Then join us on May 23rd for the zoom training. After a brief introduction, we will break into small groups where we can unpack the issues presented in the hypothetical. When we rejoin the large group, we will compare lists and discuss how to use this list in your case planning.
This is the first training in the “After the TCH” series. It will be followed later in the year with a training entitled “What to Do After the 72”. CAFL hopes to add to the series as time permits.
3 CLEs