The Mental Health Litigation Division maintains a list of resources for attorneys and experts. These include resources from the court, the Department of Mental Health and outside organizations.
- DMH Clinical Guidelines and Medication Manuals
- DMH Forensic Report Writing Guidelines:
- Competency & Criminal Responsibility Ch. 123, sec. 15(a)
- Competency& Criminal Responsibility Ch. 123, sec. 15(b)
- DMH Trauma Guidelines & Forms
- DMH – The Forensic Evaluation – Summary of the DMH process for evaluations
- Forensic Evaluations (Law and Psychiatry Program of the University of Massachusetts Medical School)
- Independent Medical Evaluators (Forensic Psychologists and Psychiatrists)
- DMH Civil Commitment & Hospital Admission Forms
Other Resources:
- American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL) is an organization of psychiatrists dedicated to excellence in practice, teaching, and research in forensic psychiatry. AAPL promotes scientific and educational activities in forensic psychiatry by facilitating the exchange of ideas and practical clinical experience through publications and regularly scheduled national and regional meetings.
- AAPL Guidelines for Competency to Stand Trial and Insanity Defense
- AAPL Guidelines for the ethical practice of forensic psychiatry
- American Psychology and Law Society – Division of the American Psychological Association promotes the contributions of psychology to the understanding of law and legal institutions, the education of psychologists in legal matters and law personnel in psychological matters, and the application of psychology in the legal system. Publishes Law and Human Behavior
- Dr. Karen Franklin Blog spot – frequent comments on forensic psychology.
- Harvard Program in Psychiatry and the Law – regular presentations on law and psychiatry
- MGH Center for Law, Brain & Behavior promotes the sound translation of brain-based and behavioral science into law, finance, and public policy. A source of regular presentations on research and forensic science.
- National Judicial College – Mental Competency—Best Practices Model presents a body of practices deemed to be most effective and efficient for handling mental incompetency issues in the criminal justice and mental health systems.
- Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology – A professional, peer-reviewed journal created by and for forensic psychologists. It is free to anyone with Internet access. Our mission is to link the science and practice of forensic psychology by making research and applications directly available to all forensic psychologists.
- Dr. Debra Pinals, Assistant Commissioner of DMH – Navigating the Intersection of Mental Illness and the Justice System