Frequently Asked Questions


Where do I find forms to request collateral representation, out-of-state travel, NAC re-opening, etc.?

You can find links to some important forms on the right-side menu bar.  You can find links to all forms that need to be submitted to the CAFL administrative office under “Professional Resources – Administrative Forms and Resources.”  Scroll down to where you see “Forms” and you will find a comprehensive list of important forms.  Many of the forms can be filled out electronically, but you will need to save the completed form and email it to the administrative office.  In the alternative, you can print the form, fill it out by hand, and then scan and email it to the administrative office. The applicable email address is on the form.

Where do I find a list of CAFL approved seminars and trainings?

You can find CAFL approved seminars and trainings on the CPCS Training Calendar. If you do not see a particular program on the list and you would like to request CAFL CLE credits, please email [email protected] for approval.

What do I need to do when my client files an appeal?

Under “Administrative Forms and Resources,” you will find an “Appellate Packet for Trial Attorneys,” which includes sample motions that you need to file with the court in order to obtain appellate counsel for your client. Once the motions are allowed, you will need to fill out the Appellate Assignment Intake Form (which is also in the packet) and email it to the administrative office, It is critical that you inform the administrative office when you file an appeal. The courts do not generally notify us, so there is no way for us to know when an appeal has been filed — and no way for appellate counsel to be appointed — unless you tell us.

What do I need to do when my contact information has changed?

If your address or phone number have changed, you will need to complete a W9 form, which can be found here.  You will need to print the completed form and mail it with a letter requesting an address change to: Vendor Maintenance, CPCS, 44 Bromfield Street, Boston, MA 02108. The form must be mailed to CPCS. It cannot be submitted electronically. Please note that the State Comptroller requires that your legal address match the address that you use to file your taxes.

If your email address has changed, you should email Rita Caso at [email protected] requesting that your email be changed in our system.  You may notify her when you have a change of address or phone number, but she cannot make those changes in the system for you. You will need to complete and submit the W9 form as described above.

Who do I contact with billing questions?

Most billing questions can be answered by someone in the Private Attorney Billing department. On this page you will find links to the ebill manual and other helpful resources. You can also find a list of billing FAQ’s here.

How do I search the Assigned Counsel Manual on the website to find the information I need?

The Assigned Counsel Manual and directions on how to search the Assigned Counsel Manual can be found here.

Who do I contact in the CAFL administrative office when I need advice about a case?

At the top of our “Professional Resources” page, you will find information and direct phone numbers for the staff attorneys who are handling advice calls.

How do I find an expert for my case?

The Forensic Services Unit at CPCS maintains a list of experts and resources in a variety of forensic fields.  Meg Grant will be able to assist you in identifying an expert for your case. Her email is [email protected] and her office number is 617-910-5839.

Do I need to visit my young adult client quarterly?

No.  The Children and Family Law Division has not yet promulgated specific Performance Standards for representing Young Adults (aged 18-22) who have signed themselves into DCF care.  We expect attorneys will use their own judgment to determine the frequency and types of communications that will allow them to provide zealous advocacy for these clients. Please see “Advisory regarding contact with Young Adult clients” for additional information.

How do I find contact information for my Resource Attorney?

You will find a link to the Resource Attorney page under “Trial Resources.”