What We Do
The EdLaw Project of the Committee for Public Counsel Services exists to ensure that the most vulnerable children in Massachusetts–court-involved youth from low-income families, often with disabilities, and predominantly children of color–have equitable access to a quality education by providing legal representation in matters of school discipline, academic failure, and unmet special education needs. EdLaw offers training and support to court-appointed attorneys across the state to help them incorporate education advocacy into their practice. EdLaw attorneys are organized by region, and support the 1000 person juvenile bar that represents the 20-25,000 kids involved in the child welfare or juvenile justice systems. By advancing education advocacy, the EdLaw Project seeks to address one of the root causes of the school-to-prison pipeline: children being pushed out of or failing in school.
Information and Advice
For more information about the EdLaw Project, or to schedule a training on Student Rights and Education Law, please contact:
Marlies Spanjaard
Director of Education Advocacy
For advice on an education matter, please contact:
The EdLaw Project
or fill out our intake form available here.
Please note we are no longer accepting legal internship applications for Summer 2025! Please feel free to contact us about for upcoming opportunities.