Hosted by the Social Law Library
Monday, April 8, 2024, 4:00 – 6:00 PM ET
Online Only
Faculty: Annelise Araujo, Esq., Partner, Araujo & Fisher, LLC & Melanie Shapiro, Esq., Partner, Law Office of Melanie Shapiro
Join our expert panel and learn about representing criminal defendants who are foreign national and what a criminal lawyer needs to know about convictions and immigration law. Areas that will be covered include:
- What is conviction?
- Why does it matter for your client AND for you?
- Types of crimes
- Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude
- Aggravated Felonies
- Crimes of Domestic Violence
- Firearms offenses
- Strategies to mitigate immigration consequences.
- Working with immigration attorneys
- Immigration relief through criminal court – Us, Ts, and S visas
Registration coming soon.