These rapidly-changing and unprecedented times have put our most vulnerable and those with the least access to meaningful resources at the highest risk for adversity. Efforts across the state to minimize the immediate and long-term impact of necessary closures are being implemented. Please note that the information provided below is not an endorsement of the service nor is it a complete guide to all available resources. While every effort is being made to keep the information updated, there is no guarantee of its accuracy.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Covid 19
National Association of Social Work (NASW) Covid 19
Red Cross Corona Virus: Safety tips to prevent the spread of Corona Virus.
National Institutes of Health Covid 19: the latest research information from NIH on Covid 19
Clinical Trials Covid 19: This resource is provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. IMPORTANT: Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. Read our disclaimer for details. Before participating in a study, talk to your health care provider and learn about the risks and potential benefits.
COVID-19 Public Resources Map: shows the location of resources available to the public during COVID-19 pandemic, such as food banks, houses of worship and Project Bread site locations. Please note the map is not inclusive of all resources and is only as accurate as the information that has been provided to MEMA (Mass Emergency Management Agency)
Covid 19 Testing sites: Do you need a test to determine if you may have COVID-19? The testing sites below are available. Please contact the facility directly with any questions or to make an appointment, if needed. COVID-19 Test Site Locator by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
MA Courts: Court closures due to Covid-19 are now being published online. Daily MA Court updates from Massachusetts state courts in response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Updates are posted after 4:30 p.m.
State House: Updates from the Governor’s Office can be found at
State House News Services Corona Virus Tracker: Free daily information from the State House News Service on the coronavirus.
Mass 211: Mass 2-1-1 statewide consumer hotline will provide consumer help during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Individuals can dial 2-1-1 for comprehensive information and referrals related to the virus, including information on where they can access flexible funds through the COVID-19 Family Support Fund.
Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH): COVID-19 Guidance and Directives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH), and other state agencies related to COVID-19.
Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA): Find resources, information and announcements from the DTA related to the coronavirus (COVID-19). Visit in order to apply for SNAP (food stamps), TAFDC, or EAEDC.
MassMobility: MassMobility is an initiative to increase mobility for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, low-income commuters, and others who lack transportation access in Massachusetts. ** light of the COVID-19 outbreak, many health care appointments are being rescheduled or switched to telehealth or telephone. Have you confirmed with your health care provider than an in-person visit is needed? Please consider rescheduling or discussing with your provider whether receiving care via telehealth or over the phone would be appropriate.** MassMobility May 2020 Newsletter
MassSupport Network: Provides services to ALL Massachusetts residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their anonymous, confidential, and free program is for individuals (including youth), families, schools, organizations, businesses and communities. The provide emotional support, coping strategies, resources, and up-to-date, factual information. They also deliver presentations and coping groups around how to support ourselves and each other during the pandemic. MassSupport Network Multi Language Flyer
Suffolk County DA OfficeCOVID-19 Resource Guide (March 2020): This is a collection of resources currently available in Suffolk County, Ma, compiled by the staff of the Juvenile Alternative Resolution Program of the Juvenile Unit at the Office of Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins.
Boston Public Health Commission will be providing the updated total of cases in Boston residents as it is received from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Information can be found at
Boston Helps: Can sign up to be a volunteer and be connected to those who need support. If you’re looking for help click here to be matched with someone who has volunteered to help: I’m looking for help. They will receive your name, e-mail, phone number, and what you’ve requested help with. They will then reach out to you to coordinate.
Boston Multilingual Covid 19: Updates in 10 total languages. Each language has its own page and hosts multilingual print materials distributed citywide.
City of Boston has a free texting service to provide daily updates and information about the coronavirus:
Text BOSCOVID to 888-777 to opt-in for English.
Text BOSEspanol to 888-777 for Spanish
Text BOSKreyol to 888-777 for Haitian Kreyol
Text BOSFrancais to 888-777 for French
Text BOSKriolu to 888-777 for Cabo Verdean Creole
Text BOSPortugues to 888-777 for Portuguese
Text BOSSoomali to 888-777 for Somali
Text BOSChi to 888-777 for Simplified Chinese
Text BOSbilAraby to 888-777 for Arabic
Text BOSViet to 888-777 for Vietnamese
Text BOSRus to 888-777 for Russian
Categories by Alphabetical Order
Elder/Older and At-Risk Adults
Grocery store special hours (March 2020): A list of grocery stores have designated up to two hours in the morning to shoppers who are at a greater risk of contracting the virus, including shoppers over 60, pregnant women, and immunocompromised customers.
Mass Senior Care Association: Mass Senior Care Association is providing resources and support to assist long term care facilities with issues surrounding COVID-19. Please check this dedicated page daily as we provide updates on this rapidly evolving healthcare challenge.
Meals on Wheels: As the impact of COVID-19 evolves, Meals on Wheels America will continue to support its membership as they do everything in their power to keep their communities and seniors safe. Search here by inputting your zip code to find for your local program.
Nursing Home Search Tool: Type in City or Town or name of a nursing facility.
Older adults in Boston may visit an ETHOS Community Café site and pick up a “Grab & Go” meal.
Electronic/Remote Access
Free WiFi (March 2020): Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription and at any service level up to 100 Mbps.
HUD’s “Free or Low-Cost Internet Service and Other Related Resources (Devices and Content) that can Assist HUD-Assisted Residents During the COVID-19 Crisis.” lists national carriers that provide free or low-cost internet service, technological devices (such as laptops), and virtual educational and learning content for students.
Internet Essentials (Comcast): Affordable internet at home for eligible low-income households; partners with local communities to pass on the importance of being connected and provide low‑cost Internet service (computers, too!) along with free training to safely unlock its potential.
Lifeline Program (cell phone): Lifeline is a government benefit program that provides a monthly discount on one communications service from a certified Lifeline service provider.
Telecommunication: Expanded Internet Service Now Available from Many Carriers
Tools for Remote Communication
Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA): The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) and the Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA), in coordination with the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL), are taking a series of actions to assist workers and employers.
Worker’s Rights: Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General Know Your Rights webpage. Employee Rights and Employer Obligations – Covid 19: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Fair Labor Hotline: 617-727-3465, Monday – Friday 10: 00 am – 4:00 pm
Financial Assistance
United Way Covoid-19 Family Fund: United Way established a COVID-19 Family Support Fund, offering one time grants of up to $2000 to help families impacted by the crisis meet their basic needs. For general questions about the Covid-19 Family Support Fund, please contact [email protected].
The Actors Fund: The Actors Fund is providing grants to those left unemployed by the coronavirus closures. Actors can check for eligibility and apply online for assistance.
BARTENDER EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: During these uncertain times the USBG Foundation strives to be a resource for our bar industry community. You do NOT need to be a USBG member to apply for a philanthropic grant.
Boston Resiliency Fund: Boston Resiliency Fund is to provide food for children and seniors, technology for remote learning for students, and support to first responders and healthcare workers.
The Boston Singers’ Relief Fund (BSRF) BSRF is offering emergency relief for singers with gigs cancelled due to COVID-19.
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund: We are providing free, cash assistance to restaurant workers, delivery drivers and other tipped workers and service workers — who are seeing their income decline during this disaster, or aren’t able to work because of quarantines or other health concerns.
Restaurant Workers Community Foundation (RWCF) Relief Fund: Individuals seeking RWCF’s direct assistance should go to the Southern Smoke Application Form to submit their information and needs. We are not limiting our funding to any US states or cities.
Financial Business Loans
SBA Disaster Assistance Loans: The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering designated states and territories low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Boston: Financial Relief: A Handbook for Small Business Owners: In response to the quantity and scope of small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development has assembled the following resource guide to support business owners in navigating the many capital programs at the local, state, federal, and private level.
Financial Support for Nonprofit Organizations
Boston Foundation Covid 19 Fund: The Boston Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund will award one-time operating grants on a rolling basis to non-profits whose operations in support of elders and other vulnerable populations have been stressed by the outbreak.
The MetroWest Emergency Relief Fund: will award one-time operating grants to nonprofits addressing the most immediate needs or experiencing significant financial challenges due to closures during broad-based community emergencies.
The Feed Framingham COVID-19 Fund, in partnership with the City of Framingham, has been created in order to send emergency funds to organizations working to facilitate direct access to hunger relief efforts in Framingham.
Foundations/Funds by Community
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
Cambridge Community Foundation Cod and Islands
Essex Country Community Foundation
Greater Lowell Community Foundation
Foundation for Metrowest with the City of Framingham
Community Foundation for Nantucket
Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts
Community Foundation of Western MA
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Food/Meal Programs
Project Bread: For families and households in Massachusetts needing food assistance during this challenging time. Any Mass. resident who needs access to food can call their toll-free hunger help-line: 1-800-645-8333.
Summer Eats 2020: Summer Eats provides free meals to anyone 18 and under at locations across the state when school is out. Type in your address for the closest location. Locations will be added and updated throughout the summer! You can also find meals sites near you through this downloadable list, by texting “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 877-877, or downloading our SummerEats app on iOS or Android. We also offer help applying for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts distributes a variety of food to our member agencies throughout western Massachusetts, which consist of food pantries, meal sites, shelters, childcare centers, and other food assistance programs. PDFs of food assistance programs for Berkshire County, Franklin County, Hampshire County, Hampden County, Holyoke, and Springfield.
Meals on Wheels: As the impact of COVID-19 evolves, Meals on Wheels America will continue to support its membership as they do everything in their power to keep their communities and seniors safe. Input your zip code here to find for your local program.
The city of Boston, in partnership with community organizations, will provide free meals to school-aged children at various times and locations: Boston Map of meal sites for children and youth.
Boston Public Schools: free breakfast and lunch pick-ups to all students on weekday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Cambridge Public Schools: free breakfast and lunch starting at noon (for those with last names starting A – M) or 12:30 p.m. (last names starting N–Z).
Ethos (Boston): Older adults in Boston may visit an ETHOS Community Cafe site and pick up a “Grab & Go” meal.
Health Centers
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers: The League serves the needs of the state’s 52 community health center organizations who have more than 300 total access sites. Community health center organization member list here.
Health Insurance
In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, an extended enrollment period is available through May 25, 2020 for qualified Massachusetts residents who are uninsured.
MassHealth Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): No matter which MassHealth health plan you have, MassHealth will cover testing and treatment.
Mass Health: General information on Mass Health.
Mass Health Connector: To apply for health insurance
Heat Assistance
Statewide information on Applying for Fuel Assistance or call (800) 632-8175.
City of Boston Home Heating Help for Tenants
Other cities and towns: Service Providers by Town
Housing/Emergency Housing/Shelters
Citizen’s Housing & Planning Association (CHAPA): Providing affordable housing updates and resources from CHAPA regarding COVID-19, the Coronavirus disease.
The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Housing Resource Locator finds local housing resources, including local housing authorities, regional housing agencies, and emergency shelter providers.
Emergency Family Homeless Shelters (DHCD): With office closures until at least April 3rd, families with children seeking to apply for Emergency Assistance (EA) shelter only can apply by phone: 1-866-584-0653.
Emergency Shelter Assistance for Individuals (DHCD): List of individual homeless shelters in Massachusetts.
Fannie Mae Renters Resource Finder: If you are a renter living in an apartment or other multifamily rental housing with five or more units and you’re facing financial challenges as a result of COVID-19, a natural disaster, or other difficulties, we want to help.
Immigrant & Refugees
Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA): COVID-19: Protecting our families and communities; Know Your Rights;
MassUndocuFund: Assists undocumented workers who have lost their jobs and livelihood across the state due to the Covid 19 pandemic.
Public Charge Information
Mass Legal Services and Public Charge
MIRA What you need to know about the ‘public charge’ rule
MIRA Key Resources on Public Charge
Resources for Massachusetts LGBTQIA+ Youth During COVID-19: This list is compiled by the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth based on submissions from partner organizations and the community.
A Virtual Awakening: Closed online AA meeting for women, trans, and non-binary people
Recovery literature, speakers, open discussion; Sun, Mon, Wed, Fri at 8:30pm EST, Thurs 1:00pm EST;
Legal help for evictions – December 2020
As most of you know, the Massachusetts Eviction Moratorium expired in mid October, and many eviction actions are being filed. If you have low income clients who need help with an eviction, please refer them to legal services — you can do so at the notice to quit stage (this is when a landlord sends a tenant a written notice that the tenancy is ending).
As part of the Governors Covid Eviction Diversion Initiative, additional legal services are being made available through CELHP — the COVID Eviction Legal Help Project. CELHP attorneys can help low income tenants with Covid related evictions. CELHP can also help low income owner occupants of two and three family properties with Covid related evictions. Learn more, and find the CELHP program that serves your client’s town at the new CELHP website: Learn more about the Eviction Diversion Initiative
If the eviction is not related to COVID, there still may be other legal services resources available — use the newly relaunched Legal Resource Finder, to find referrals. The new LRF also has a feature called “Guide Me”, which generates short reports about what steps people can take to address their housing problems.
Lawyers for Civil Rights Boston: Offering Legal Help & Support During COVID-19.
MA Trial Courts: Guide: Court system response to COVID-19
News and information on actions being taken by Massachusetts state courts in response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS): Provides free legal assistance and representation on civil (noncriminal) matters to hundreds of the neediest residents in the city of Boston and 31 surrounding cities and towns. GBLS YOUR RIGHTS IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT DURING THE CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK; GBLS SUS DERECHOS EN LA CORTE DE PEQUENOS RECLAMOS (SMALL CLAIMS) DURANTE EL BROTE DEL CORONAVIRUS.
Mass Legal Services: offers resources and information about legal issues facing lower income Massachusetts residents to legal services advocates and social services professionals. Covid 19 and FAQ: SNAP Benefits and Job Loss during COVID-19
The Northeast Lawyer For a Day Project: In response to the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, the Housing Court has issued a “Standing Order” outlining the following changes: Know Your Rights in Housing Court during the Coronavirus Outbreak.
Mental Health Support (visit Mental Health Services, Treatment, and Programs resources page)
COVID-19: Trial Court substance use disorder and mental health resources: A collection of substance use disorder and mental health resources, including links to online support groups and recovery meetings, self-care resources, and hotlines and helplines. Click here to download resource flyer.
The Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990, is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year, national hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster.
The MassSupport Network provides services to ALL Massachusetts residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are an anonymous, confidential, and free program for individuals (including youth), families, schools, organizations, businesses and communities. They provide emotional support, coping strategies, resources, and up-to-date, factual information. MassSupport Network -Multi Language Flyer.
Virus Anxiety: a project by SHINE: Resources for anxiety and your mental health in a global climate of uncertainty.
Online support groups: The Relational Center is offering Zoom conference links to daily online video chat support groups that are free and open to the public. Mindfulness offers a path to well-being and tools for coping with life’s inevitable hurdles. Article: Breath meditation: A great way to relieve stress Steps and audio of guided meditation, produced by UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC).
Warm Lines: For mental health clients that are not experiencing a mental health emergency but would benefit from having a check in phone call, they can access DMH sponsored warm-lines. These are typically peer run and can offer general support.
Parenting/Family Time Tips During Covid 19
Family Resource Centers Covid 19: Site offers information and resources for families during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Part of the Family Resources Center of MA (FRCMA).
National Council on Crime & Delinquency: This is a blog post about ways that parents can make the most of video visits with kids. At the end of the blog post are links to additional resources for parents and caregivers to make video visits better.
William James College Parenting Resources: This page offers resources for parents on a variety of topics relating to children and the COVID-19 health emergency.
Williams James Public Events Calendar: Offers free virtual parenting classes and groups; for parents of newborn to teens.
Social Services
Aunt Bertha Social Care Network: A large database offering links and outreach for needs like free or reduced cost services, like housing, food, and other goods.
Neighborhood Aid Network: Provides a central place where neighborhood digital platforms can aggregate and standardize and where volunteers receive information and training.
Substance Abuse (visit the Substance Use Disorder Treatment resources page)
Covid 19: Boston Medical Center Recovery Resources: The COVID-19 situation can be extremely anxiety provoking for all of us but especially for those in early recovery. This might be exacerbated by people unable to attend their normal support group meetings or other recovery supports. We are sharing a short list of resources that may be helpful for you patients or other people in recovery.
COVID-19: Trial Court substance use disorder and mental health resources: A collection of substance use disorder and mental health resources, including links to online support groups and recovery meetings, self-care resources, and hotlines and helplines. Click here to download resource flyer.
Mass Association of Sober Homes (MASH): The Massachusetts Alliance for Sober Housing (MASH) is here to support MASH-certified sober homes and their residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please visit our resources page to learn about national and state resources for you and your residents.
Alcoholics Anonymous Online Meetings
• Updates on COVID-19
AA Eastern MA Districts 12 and 13: Districts 12 and 13 are comprised of AA groups in Boston, Charlestown and Roxbury. We exist as part of the AA service structure to support groups in whatever capacity we can.
Online Group AA Meetings: an AA Home ‘Home’ Group Online.
Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous (OIAA): OIAA is a service entity that operates on behalf of Online AA groups worldwide. The OIAA Meeting Directory features hundreds of meetings in an various formats, in many languages, happening 24/7.
Recovery Darma Online: organizes daily meetings accessible via computer, smartphone, or dial-in. Together we meditate, study Buddhist teachings, and support each other on our paths to sobriety and peace.
SMART Recovery Online Community: SMART Recovery Online (SROL) is a warm and caring online community where our participants interact and help one another recover from addictive behaviors. Features include: daily online meetings, message board, and 24/7 live chat.
A Virtual Awakening: Closed online AA meeting for women, trans, and non-binary people
Recovery literature, speakers, open discussion; Sun, Mon, Wed, Fri at 8:30pm EST, Thurs 1:00pm EST;
Gambler’s Anonymous: Self-help groups are available to support people experiencing gambling problems, as well as their loved ones. The Gamblers Anonymous Telephone Conference Call Committee has expanded their Wednesday night meeting to include every night of the week from 9:00-11:00 PM Eastern time. The call in information for the meeting is: 712-770-4160 – Access Code 611704#.
In The Rooms: free online recovery tool that offers 130 weekly online meetings for those recovering from addiction and related issues. We embrace multiple pathways to recovery, including all 12 Step, Non-12 Step, Wellness and Mental Health modalities.
Marijuana Anonymous Meetings: Search for meetings by location (may have transitioned to zoom meetings).
Marijuana Anonymous Phone Meetings: This website supports several separate Marijuana Anonymous phone groups each guided by its own Group Conscience. Women In Recovery Weekdays at 3pm; Sunday at 7pm (Step Study); Tuesday at 10pm; Wednesday at 7pm.
Massachusetts Area of Cocaine Anonymous, Inc. (MACA): Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction. Virtual Meetings being held; Hotline: 617-539-6090.
Never Alone Club: A group of Narcotics Anonymous with daily online meetings where those seeking recovery can chat 24/7 for support and fellowship.
NA By Phone Meetings: Home to Teleconference Meetings and Cyber Phone Recovery.
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings: World-wide, foreign language options.
Peer 2 Peer Recovery Support Center ZOOM Meetings: Stepping Stones Inc Peer 2 Peer is offering live recovery group meetings weekdays via the Zoom app,
Virtual NA: NA Meetings Online & by Phone brings Narcotics Anonymous Meetings to Remote or Isolated Addicts from around the world who may, for whatever reason, be unable to attend local face to face meetings.
Veterans and Military Community
The Veterans Assistance (VA) has implemented an aggressive public health response to protect and care for Veterans in the face of this emerging health risk. Find your closest VA facility.
The Massachusetts Veteran Benefit Calculator: This website helps low-income veterans determine if they are eligible for state financial benefits established under Chapter 115, a program that provides cash assistance based on need.
Veteran and Military Relief Funds
Air Force Aid Society: The Air Force Aid Society is the official charity of the U.S. Air Force and has been meeting the unique needs of Airmen and their families since 1942. Click here to apply for assistance.
Army Emergency Relief (AER) Covid 19: The Army’s own nonprofit; soldiers helping soldiers.
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance: Officials at Coast Guard Mutual Assistance said they are providing loans up to $6,000 for loss of pay by a spouse, needs for child care due to school closure, and lodging and food costs while quarantined. Application can be filed remotely.
Military Heroes Fund COVID-19 Emergency Financial Relief Program: Provides financial assistance to all Veterans, Active Duty, Reserves and National Guard who are experiencing a financial setback due to the negative economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Foundation is prioritizing assistance to those who have lost their primary/only income or have an increased financial burden as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant amount will support 1 month of payment up to $1500 in the following areas: Rent, Mortgage, Auto Loan/Lease, and Utilities (Electric, Water, Heat).
Navy-Marine Corp Relief Society (NMCRS) Covid 19: The mission of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society is to provide financial, educational, and other assistance to members of the Naval Service of the United States, eligible family members, and survivors when in need. FAQ document.
Veteran and Military Support
Red Cross: Active-duty military members who need help can contact the American Red Cross to be directed to the aid that best fits their need or service at 877-272-7337.
To report an update, changes, or broken links on the resource pages, please send email